You are my blessing, I am yours.
Story: Sunday, going to church.
I wake up. I can feel that the mission I was suppose to complete it is not going to happen.
Also the guy, the one that I am suppose to meet to see a gardening project in Khayelitsha, sends me a voice message and invites me to bring beers. From the voice I assume he is still partying from the night before.
Not really...I do not feel like missioning by myself to Khayelitsha to meet a drunk guy. Not happening!
I message P: no answer.
I message D: no answer.
I message J: I am at Fat Cat Restaurant.
I message M: no answer.
I think ok, if J does not want to come here at my house then I can skate to Woodstock to Fat Cat and maybe score a movie on the couch later.
First: fix the longboard. Get the tool knife and untie the bolts that are keeping the tracks from moving sideways. Ok, now, I also wanna ride it to feel if it works better and that's one more reason to go out to meet J.
I put shorts on, hat, sun glasses, leather belt with phone and wallet, I go.
The neighbourhood is dead quite. The board is surfing the tar road soft as a snake.
On the bicycle lane the wind is pushing me straight. I push with my left foot down twice and I am there.
I go inside the restaurant, I look around, J is not there.
He must have gone home. His and M's house is uphill and now is very windy.
I turn around, I will just go back home, I decide.
I look right, the wind has picked up, it was nice coming down but now going back is scary.
I will walk for a bit and think about an alternative plan to get home.
I twist my head left, there is an old lady, coming towards me.
There is no one else on the road except the doorman of the restaurant.
I see her, she is calling me: " Lady, lady, sorry I need to go to Salt River?!"
" Are you walking alone?" I ask.
"Yes, I came down with the taxi in Woodstock but my church is in Salt River!".
I think I am not going to leave this woman walking alone, in Salt River, by herself on a Sunday afternoon.
" Salt River is down the road, let's walk together, I am going in the same direction!".
Here I am walking to the Salt River Train station with this lady, talking on the phone with her daughter.
I think.. I will go my way at some point. but then I couldn't imagine to leave that old grandma on the street by herself.
We stop before the station. Here is the church (actually the building looks like a mall but there is music and chanting coming from upstairs).
She tries to call her daughter again but she hasn't got any airtime.
I never have airtime. This morning... I do. It's actually the first thing I bought. I call the daughter, tell her the mother is safe at church.
1 or 2 hours later, she called me back on the phone to say Thank you on more time. She sent me an sms too.
I needed company and she was the perfect and magic encounter for a Sunday.