lunedì 22 giugno 2015


The hyenas series continue....

Here some new artworks about the relationship that, symbolically, links these beautiful animals with the women attitude and energy.

Like Hyenas, 180x130 cm, mixed media on paper, 2014/2015.

One Love, 84x60 cm, acrylic on paper, 2015.

Ridi e Sorridi, 100x70 cm, mixed media on paper, 2015.

Laughing, 84x60 cm, mixed media on paper, 2015.

Lonely Blu (The Ocean), 84x60 cm, mixed media on paper, 2015.

lunedì 30 marzo 2015

A night out

Mixed media on cyclus offset paper.

lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

Sometimes my friend is the moon

Gift for Shallom Johnson aka Indigo

Sometimes my friend is the moon, graphite and charcoal on paper, 42x35cm 


Hyenas is the first painting work and its born in Dec 2014 and still work in progress.

The idea of drawing hyenas comes from a discussion with my girlfriend; she loves them and at the beginning I couldn't really understand why: they not the most beautiful animal, they scavengers, they honestly have a pretty weird shape in between a cat, a wild dog and a bear.

So I started doing some research and watching documentaries. They, actually, are very interesting animal: they always laugh, they are hunters but they also eat whatever other predators leave uneaten because they need more then 10L of milk every day for their puppies, they completely matriarchal and the male has the only function of reproduction.

So I started to see this animal with different eyes and now I think it is a very strong and inspiring symbol for all women.

Hyenas, mixed media on paper, 130x180 cm

Hyenas, detail

Go Wild, mixed media on paper, 84x59cm

Go wild, detail.